Saturday, June 13, 2009

Is it all in the head?

Have you ever got irritated following a car with a ‘L’ board? Its easy to get carried away by the anger slowly taking over you – what with the car doing all the unexpected things in busiest of the traffic. And in the melee, if you make a negligible mistake of going slow or stalling your vehicle for couple more seconds, people look at you like you have committed an unforgivable sin.

The other day I was driving under the hot afternoon sun. The weather was so sulky it could put anyone to sleep. However, I was on the way to a client and was expecting some interesting developments and so pushed myself, fighting the irresistible temptation to hit the sack.

It could as well have been a medical reason: About a month back I was doing Yoga on the terrace and suddenly blacked out, maybe for 2 seconds, to find myself lying 5 feet away against the railing. Just a week after that I was sitting in an under-ventilated room, and had felt my head reeling. I was diagnosed of having low-blood pressure.

Was it the remnants of these incidents taking a toll on me now?

I reached a signal. There was a 50 metre line of bumper-to-bumper vehicles glaring at the bright red light. There was a flyover running overhead. The radio was playing a melody. I leaned against the head-rest and closed my eyes, giving in to the luxury.


When I opened my eyes there was no vehicle in front of me. I could hear the loud honking of a dozen vehicles behind me. Couple of bikers were peeping through my windshield, probably assuming that I had had a cardiac arrest and collapsed.

I turned the ignition, engaged the gear and raced ahead at top speed, lest I face more jeers and snares.

What had happened to me? Had I just slept? Had I blacked out? Was there something wrong with my pulse? Or was it in my head?