Saturday, June 13, 2009

Is it all in the head?

Have you ever got irritated following a car with a ‘L’ board? Its easy to get carried away by the anger slowly taking over you – what with the car doing all the unexpected things in busiest of the traffic. And in the melee, if you make a negligible mistake of going slow or stalling your vehicle for couple more seconds, people look at you like you have committed an unforgivable sin.

The other day I was driving under the hot afternoon sun. The weather was so sulky it could put anyone to sleep. However, I was on the way to a client and was expecting some interesting developments and so pushed myself, fighting the irresistible temptation to hit the sack.

It could as well have been a medical reason: About a month back I was doing Yoga on the terrace and suddenly blacked out, maybe for 2 seconds, to find myself lying 5 feet away against the railing. Just a week after that I was sitting in an under-ventilated room, and had felt my head reeling. I was diagnosed of having low-blood pressure.

Was it the remnants of these incidents taking a toll on me now?

I reached a signal. There was a 50 metre line of bumper-to-bumper vehicles glaring at the bright red light. There was a flyover running overhead. The radio was playing a melody. I leaned against the head-rest and closed my eyes, giving in to the luxury.


When I opened my eyes there was no vehicle in front of me. I could hear the loud honking of a dozen vehicles behind me. Couple of bikers were peeping through my windshield, probably assuming that I had had a cardiac arrest and collapsed.

I turned the ignition, engaged the gear and raced ahead at top speed, lest I face more jeers and snares.

What had happened to me? Had I just slept? Had I blacked out? Was there something wrong with my pulse? Or was it in my head?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sometimes you receive SMS, totally irrelavent to you, from not only unknown numbers but also from your dear ones. You can conveniently satisfy yourself that the person is unconsciously thinking of you while messaging to some other person.
Once, I received a message from my dealer in Bangalore, 'Back from where? I am in Bangalore!!' Obviously it was not meant for me, I had not asked his whereabouts. So, it meant that he was thinking of me. Or, patting my own back, I had made an impact on him!
This happened when I was at Hospet waiting for my friend to return from elsewhere so that we could spend the evening together. I had been trying to call him all afternoon, but he was not reachable. I finally sent him a message and waited.
Still no response.
I was getting angry. If he was busy or in some meeting, he could have atleast replied or kept me informed, so that I could make other plans. It can't be that he is out of coverage area for this long- the SMS gets delivered at the feeblest of the signals.
He finally called up late in the night enquiring about my plans. I gave him a mouthful and told him how desparately I was trying to reach him.
He said he had not received any SMS from me.
That was when I checked up my sent messages and saw that it was me who had, involuntarily, sent the SMS to my dealer instead of my friend, asking him when he'd return. My dealer had promptly messaged back and I was flying high,convinced of having been all over his mind...